Friday, May 29, 2009
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Just like the beautiful picture staring at you at the moment, this is exactly what nature represents, a voice in the mist of obvious silence, just look at the pictures and connect with this beautiful work of art from the most HIGH.
It blossoms in grace, grows without pace , it beautify life without ties.
It represents and connotes the very essence of a divine existence, it talks loud in the mist of obvious silence .
It moves surreptitiously and degenerates quietly.
It is available for all but not useful to all, it echoes love and peace, it dies if care and attention is lacking.
It is vulnerable and paradoxically reliable, it dwells in the abundance of a stupendious tranquility, a tranquility with a warming reality.
The in-patient never live to enjoy its enormous virtue, but a soul that tarries without hurry lives to bask in the euphoria of an endless and timeless benefit it offers.
In the mist of humility and quietness, it possess great and thunderous potentials ,it cost nothing to have it but cost something not to appreciate it.
It feels pain but does it alone in quietness ,only the sensitive hears and feel its pain.
It forgets the past , works with the present and wait so patiently for the future.
so DAVID says pay more attention to the NATURE beside you,
For you who know the true meaning of having a good friend, then this is for you, every body needs someone to trust and talk to, no man is an island.......
The divinity attached to having a good friend cannot be over emphasied, the scared reality it carries depicts how awesome this blessed cult is.
The divinity attached to having a good friend cannot be over emphasied, the scared reality it carries depicts how awesome this blessed cult is.
Can anyone live without having one or two friends in their life?, my answer is NO. Now the issue of quality and not quantity, comes to play, the issue of value and not numbers come to play.
Twenty friends might not have the same value and importance as to what two quality friends carries.
Friendship is like a ship that gradually voyages to a beautiful and prosperous destination.
The ship might face tides and turbulance but the bond and genuity it carries sees it through.
The candle when put on the table gives way for a better vision even in the mist of crazy and blinding darkness, so is friendship.
A ladder makes you reach height your strength can't take you , it raises you above obstacles to reach a desired goal , so is a good and healthy friendship.
Who ever under estimates the eternal benefits of a soulful friendship is no better than a big bull that cuts of its tail, tell me how will it chase away flies from its back.
A good friendship is beyond affection, passion, it is beyond social status, race, ethnicity, religion, beliefs. ideas, perception, illusions, though it carries its own fears and tears but the uniqueness it exhumes never lets it to be consumed.
The beauty of this God ordained association is in its longevity and divinity, when you fill you've gotten to that cross road and you have lost hope , then a friend is the antidote you need to bring alive the will and enthusiasm to make it again.
SO lets start appreciating the good friends we have and try to do away with the bad ones.
This is just a thought from
DAVID, to you all,
this 2010..
This is for anyone who suffers from very low self esteem, if your self esteem is not hot enough to push you through then you need to read this.
20 Steps to building a very high self esteem.
Ones self esteem is the only weapon to fight low morale, or low personality, can your self esteem be as hot as steam?
this 2010..
This is for anyone who suffers from very low self esteem, if your self esteem is not hot enough to push you through then you need to read this.
20 Steps to building a very high self esteem.
Ones self esteem is the only weapon to fight low morale, or low personality, can your self esteem be as hot as steam?
That is a question you need to find an answer to, cause when the power that controls the physical is not in good shape then the whole body and soul breaks down.
These are 20 steps to building a powerful self esteem.
Step1--- Always build your personality on your strengths .
Step 2--- Never let people's opinion or idea penetrate your psyche, that is the only way to stay focused.
Step 3---When ever you wake up in the morning don't run straight to the mirror , rather sit on your bed and tell yourself how beautiful/handsome you are.
Step 4---Try hard to identify your weaknesses , know them and work on them.
Step 5---Always wear a graceful smile, it could neutralize every form of hostility around you.
Step 6---Always look into peoples eyes and not their faces, that will tell them you are not scared.
Step 7---Create a style that soothes you, be real, don't try to be what you are not, always be yourself, even if you are in front of a president.
Step 8----Don't always expect compliments from people, rather expect bag loads of critizisim, this mentality guards your mind even before hand.
Step 9----Be ready to learn from anyone but not from everybody.
Step 10---Your knowledge and intelligence naturally help your self esteem, so try to get knowledge and always be as informed as possible.
Step 11----Don't live your life seeking for unnecessary attention and affection cause you might not get it, that is life for you.
Step12----Keep friends that respect and value your qualities and abilities.
Step13---Your background or family issues not with standing, if you look well you will discover you are not the only one with family issues, but how well can you manage it, cause that is what fuels the drive and passion inside you .
Step 14----Try as much as possible to dress to sooth your mind, never be forced to wear what pleases the next person when it makes you uncomfortable.
Step 15---Simplicity might sound to simple and casual but it really works, try to be as simple and precised as possible.
Step 16----Always be a good listener, that makes you talk better.
Step17---Never be in a hurry to impress , what you have upstairs will attract people to you without stress.
Step 18----Discover who you are so that no one makes you feel less, be happy from inside , know what you want and don't be subdued by anyone.
Step19----Always stand on what you believe in , never assume you know better than everyone, but always tell yourself that you are as good as anyone.
Step20---Involve God in whatever you do in life, pray hard and feed your mind and soul with positive words, words that can shatter every sign of fear and low self esteem,
always have this on the palm of your hand........
"A LICKING MIND IS A SINKING LIFE", when there are holes in your mind, frivolous and irrelevant issues find their way into it, which could affect ones self esteem.
"A LICKING MIND IS A SINKING LIFE", when there are holes in your mind, frivolous and irrelevant issues find their way into it, which could affect ones self esteem.
Try all these steps and watch out for a new you, a better person and a stronger personality..
For who ever has never been under the influence of this beauty, then he or she has a lot to do, and probably needs to figure out certain things about his or her inner being, because that is where this mystery lives...
For who ever has never been under the influence of this beauty, then he or she has a lot to do, and probably needs to figure out certain things about his or her inner being, because that is where this mystery lives...
It comes in different form, it hits man from anywhere but when it comes the effect is lasting and infectious..
Not everyone have access t0 it, but anyone who cares and pays attention can live and wallow under its everlasting strength..
It is intoxicating an mind provoking, it purges the soul and keep open the gate of the heart so that captured thoughts , ideas and imaginations can be released to the outside world...
The shallow minded complain they never feel it , the bitter and hateful manipulate and transform it into a weapon of destruction and pain, the happy and meek turn it into a tool used to soothe and console the soul...
What gives it life is its root , which is connected into the ground of divinity, a divinity that reflects through a surreptitious reality....
It defines freedom cause it possess a free living spirit, a spirit that can possess anyone, at anytime, it moves in signs, talk in pictures, words, sound, touch and silence...
An ordinary man becomes extra- ordinary with it, the blind becomes fully sighted with its power, the ignorant with it becomes a sage, the poor is made rich if used properly ...
What separates a star from the rest is the ability to pick and connect with the spirit of inspiration, what makes a leader is the privilege of been able to read the signs, a painter is able to create a master piece cause of the strength of a beautiful inspiration, a writer is able to transform a raw imagination into a sweet and resourceful fact and information....
The power an inspiration carries can not be ignored, it strikes the soul like tornado strike the earth, it pushes the mind blindly until it sees the way...
David says so,
There is an hidden force behind forgiveness, though sometimes its a very bitter pill to swallow and most times a very scary truth to face,but tell me why you can't forgive that man or woman who has err you in any way, its a matter of facing the reality.......
The power of forgiveness....
You hurt me, bruised my emotions and almost killed the compassion and love that i have inside, you said words that stabbed me in the heart, did things that grief my soul even though i never did you wrong.
You stole my joy and ripped my mind apart, every step you take puts pain inside me, you've injured me from within, which makes me cry without tears.
My head thinks of vengeance and revenge but my heart beats for forgiveness and mercy, my mouth speaks negativity but my soul shouts positivity, despite the sorrow your actions bring me, it has never shut the door of my mind to think and believe there is forgiveness out there...
I can still forgive you even though the world expects you to be my greatest foe, the softness and mercy in me sees you and take you as a friend.. Though you bring war, but i give peace, i never asked you what i did wrong, all i do is pray for you to live long so that you can think again and not die in sin..
You made up your mind to destroy me but the love and compassion i have inside protected me, to your amazement..
I rather be forgiving than be vindicative, forgiveness is divine, its a beautiful reality that takes over a vindictive heart, it breathes a new and fresh air into a hurting soul, it makes what used to be bitter sweet, forgiveness puts laughter where there was tears, puts joy where there was sorrow and love where there was hatred and pain.....
Who says you can't forgive, its just a matter of coming to terms with so many things within and outside, so start forgiving nowwwwww!!!!!!
David says so,
Must someone be there with you before you can do or say what is right, i think one should not compromise on doing good in any situation one finds oneself.
Nothing polices someone better than a well guided and God fearing conscience.Come to think of it, if only we all could be a little bit conscience conscious in the things we do, this world would have been a big place filled with so much love and peace.
Do you think the NYPD or the FBI can police and arrest the evil deeds that lives and later manifest in an individual, or is the UN(united nation) a good enough police to monitor and follow the intentions in the hearts of world leaders.
The best and most effective police we all need in life is our conscience, that is the only police that arrest an intention before it matures into an act.
It arrest and detain a thought before it transforms to an action, it is the only police that have the power to change an evil plan to a good one.
Let the inner voice inside you and i, that disembodied voice , that voice that talks with such soothing tone, that voice that whispers into the heart and soul, the voice that says stop when you are about to start, the voice that says smile when all you want to do is frown, the voice that says give when you don't want to give.
The voice that tells you to do what seems like the opposite of what you really want to do.
What looks so right and good to you looks so wrong and bad to it.
A voice that if it had a weep or cane, then our body would be filled with marks and cuts, cause you and me tend to do what it says we shouldn't do.
If only our leaders listen to their conscience and not to the selfish and wicked desires of their hearts, then this world would have been void of wars and poverty.
If a man who is about to pick up a gun and shoot someone who just wronged him, if only he could just sit for a split second and listen to that inner voice, maybe there won't be sorrow and pain on the streets .
If only that father would listen to that soft voice, the voice that says he should stay and not walk out on his family, maybe that girl that ended up with the wrong company would have been saved from a life of drug addiction.
The very thin line between acting and living bad and acting and living good is listening to our consciences, doing what that inner voice says and not doing what our head or body wants badly.
So many things that shouldn't have happened could have been stopped if only the conscience was good enough police to police you and i.
Is there any humanbeing in life without a conscience and my answer is NO, we all have a conscience but some of us have had our conscience seared with hot iron by ignoring it for to long.
The soft voice has been killed , that is when you see no remorse in the world again, evil is done without an iota of regret, am sorry is a word so big to use, the feelings of compassion is waxing cold, brothers are no more brothers, friends turn against each other, in general love is lost.
I pray we don't get to that stage, cause thats a horrible reality
---------------------------------------------------------------------------LET OUR CONSCIENCE POLICE US WHERE EVER WE GO, NEVER LEAVE YOUR CONSCIENCE BACK AT HOME, ALWAYS WALK WITH IT, CAUSE IT PAYS TO DO SO.
A time lost can never be recovered, we waste too much time on frivolous issues, we tend to forget that as the day goes so does the strength and will to work reduces....
The lost time!!!!!
Time is going, souls are getting weary, strength is waxing cold, the strong is gradually becoming weak, the body that was filled with so much agility is suddenly becoming a haven of senility.
Why is this bountiful youthfullness lying in waste,why throw it deep into the valley of hopelessness and shame.
While the strength , intelligence and swiftness last lets put it to judious use, never let a drop go unused, never let the very essence of precision of purpose and dedication wither away into the cold hands of regret and wishes.
When the future stares at us in the face, like the bright moon light stare at the stars in the dark and oblivious sky, the young at heart sit and wait in vain, putting the posterity in a world of pain and uncertainty.
Innocent souls cry out when they see the level of idleness, laziness and procastination , a procastination that eventually has no destination.
Things that should be sorted out at the very instance are put behind and left in a space of neglect.
Why sit flat on our bums when we should be up standing on those feet while thay can still carry the heavy loads of expectations and goals.
Generations are wallowing in a world of stagnation, precious and irrecoverable time is been lost every microsecond of our lifes, dreams are being flushed down the stream of frustration ..
The goals and aspirations of this young generation lies in waste , nobody is maximizing the gift of time, a seed has not been put in the soil and we all are waiting aimlessly to harvest fruits of illusion, we wait in vain for fruits that has no iota of reality in it, the question we should ask ourselves is,
"HOW DO WE GET BACK THE LOST TIME", because destinies are tied to it, dreams are linked to it.......
This generation needs to start working because the innocent and anxious posterity is waiting and looking in akimbo.........
Just a piece of fact from me,
David to you all,
A thought for you................
A man who marries a nagging wife is likely going to take in another one,that other one would be a "bottle".
A father has wayward children and you expect him to live long.
A wife who hates or disrespects her mother inlaw would surely not stay long.
A brother who has a beautiful sister should be ready to be bothered .
A sister without a brother , would cherish her father.
A man without a friend is like a chick without hen.
A leader that has lost focus is like a lion that has lost its sight.
A government without mediocrity is like an eagle flying in the sky.
A country without a dictator is like a man free from virus.
A love that doesn't end up in a beautiful union is like a big fruit that never gets ripe.
A painter without a brush to put to life all his beautiful imaginations is not better than a pregnant woman who fails to give birth.
A life without God is like a plane that has an experience pilot who is fast asleep.
Thats just some thoughts for you, ponder over them.
DAVID says so ,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------The only word that best describes an African woman is her very unusual but powerful qualities, she has so much inside her, that if given the opportunity she will mesmerize the world around her, i respect her even though she goes through so much....
The African Woman...
I hear her cry and it touched the root of my soul, i listen to her plight and the compassion in me burst open, i see her fear through the oblivious look on her face, it seem nothing could give her some assurance because she lives in the mist of obvious uncertainty and confusion..
Every day by day, she is put under the pressure of male and cultural authority, without looking out for her feelings.
There is so much seed of love in her heart but the earth where she finds herself is not fertile for the seed to grow.
Every where she goes she is judged, every thing she does is wrong, everyone she meets see her through her body without waiting to appreciate what she carries up there..
She lives in a world that trys hard to dominate her soul and body, her heart yarns for liberation, her entire being craves for a genuine affection, an affection that has no consequences.
She sacrifices her joy, subdue her inner most feelings so that the next generation can be happy, her strength is hidden, her value is underestimated, her importance is downplayed, her liberation is delayed, but all in all her contribution to the progression and continuity of life can never be ignored, she rarely hates, but so often love, she never destroys, but always construct, give her a child and she will make out a leader of generations.
She lives in the present but dwell in the future, the qualities a man never takes time to see, she sees just at a glance.....
So who says an African Woman is not important, nothing is sweet and smooth without her touch......
Just a thought from me,
This is for the DOCTORS, a prayer that all doctors need to say every morning before going out to attend to the sick and the feeble.As long as this pray is said then the God of medicine and good health will keep following you all the days of your practice....
THE DOCTOR'S PSLAM....................
Medicine and surgery is my shepherd i shall not want, it guides me in the path of surgeries. It makes me go about in corporate wears with my stethoscope around my neck , it leads me in the path of medical college, down to the teaching hospital for study sake.
Even though i walk through the valley of performing operations and carrying out surgeries on my patients i fear no evil for my operating table and dissecting set is before me .
The sound health and the smile on the faces of my patient comfort me .
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of sickness and diseases, thou anointed my head with human anatomy and human medicine , my cup of knowledge runneth over .
Surely saving and healing of lifes shall follow me all the days of my practise and i will reign and dwell in the hospital all the days of my live forever and ever AMEN!!!!!!!
Pray for the sick
for all DOCTORS,
This is something i wrote on the power behind a genuine smile, most of us don't know the power that simple smile carries, in most cases its just an act or sometimes a reflex action, but to those who see beyond the physical they will agree with me that there is something special about that SMILE......
The mystery behind a smile.....................
A smile though not as loud and cracking as laughter but the power and efficacy it possesses give to it a stupendous dignity, a dignity that carries bountiful energy...
A baby uses its innocent but sweet smile to capture the attention and love of its mother, a stubborn son, diffuses the fiery anger in his father's heart with a pleading smile..
Never should you under estimate the potency and vitality of a smile, that simple smile on your face could travel a thousand mile into the heart and soul of someone near you who really needs it, why deny him/her that beautiful pleasure...
The question i want to ask is "HOW OFTEN DO YOU SMILE?",most of us find it very easy to wear a face cracking frown, a frown that scares away love and friendship instead of a smile, that i still don't understand.....
Just like nectar attracts bees to a flower, so does a beautiful and genuine smile attracts endless warmth, love and respect to a man/woman..
Everyone of us should make it a point of duty to always live and dwell under the influence of a bright and infectious smile, maybe its just a smile you need to win that attention you've been craving for, or maybe that smile could get you that respect you so much desire, just try it and see....
I believe this world will be a better place if everyone of us try to reflect that love and peace that dwells inside our souls through a smile...
This simple act(smile) is a sweet act, that sows seed of compassion and emotion into the hardest of hearts, its strength is in its simplicity, its beauty is in its reality, a reality that breathes a loving conviviality, it is mysterious because of its undeniable subtlety.....
The more smile you wear the more joy and peace you spread to the people around you, just like a virus, it takes so little to smile but requires you so much to frown, so try to smile more, i mean the real smile not the plastic one that most celebrities wear in front of a camera, thats not the smile am talking about...
For you who suffer from low confidence that smile can make it up to you, if only you don't fake it.....
Keep smiling,
David say so,
till infinity.......
Who says you can't write, everybody has the potential to be a writer, anybody can write but few people take time to develop that subtle talent lying inside their heart...
What does it take for you to pass a sweet and genuine message through your pen and paper, actually all it requires of you, is just a little resilence , dedication and sensitivity, the question is how sensitive and calm are you to connect with those bundle of ideas and thoughts inside the depth of your soul...
What makes a writing beautiful is its rawness and power, thats all...
1---- Have confidence in yourself, know that there is something inside your heart that everyone would love to feel and enjoy, build that confidence but don't be over confident...
Always say to yourself "I CAN DO IT"!!!!,
even when others say you can't, lay this foundation in your subconscious mind, live and breathe under this mentality, you have to be mentally guarded , convince the rest of the world that you have something to give....
2---Learn to use your inner eyes which is your mind, draw pictures with it, let some imaginations flow from there, try to write with your mind before you write with your pen..
Inside the mind lies loads of powerful and life touching messages and information, so learn to make judicious use of your mind, you need to start doing some deep thinking, most of us don't think, we only wish and pray for miracles, just 2hours of deep thought could produce ideas and information that can rule the world, so start thinking now!!!..
3---You have to start reading books, i mean very intensive reading, this is the process where you feed and deposit huge amount of ideas and information into your mind and brain, take it as a responsibility to read at least 5-10 powerful and mind provoking books in a month..
Every book that will add something new to what you already have is worth reading, the more you read, the deeper your well of knowledge gets and the deeper your well of knowledge, the easier it is to dish out useful and resourceful informations or ideas...
4----Don't be averse to criticism, learn to take every criticism with some positivity, let people criticise what you write, show them and make them know how much you appreciate and want their criticism, the more criticism you get the better you become, also learn to separate constructive criticism from a destructive one.....
5---You must be vast and diverse in your reading, never restrict your reading to a particular topic, idea or concept, try to read in a wider and more objective way, all information is worth getting, you never know how useful that information can be..
You are in science is that why you can't read something on history, politics, religion, you are a christian that doesn't mean you can't read something on islam, all this helps you when you write, it liberalizes your ideas , broadens your imagination and makes your opinion as objective as possible..
6---Be creative, add some flavour and fun in your writing, let that creative spirit come out, do it in a different way, write on what makes you comfortable, learn to express yourself when writing, never hold anything back...
7--Do not try to impress anybody, just be as simple as possible, avoid ambiguity, say it as it feels inside your heart, its better that way, so keep writing....
Do you actually know when to surrender in the chase of a goal or aspiration in life, though people say never give up, but this is not giving up, it is far from it... This is an act of faith, courage, test and craft.. When you read this piece then you will key into what am saying, so come along......
There comes a time in the journey and race of life when you just need to surrender, surrendering doesn't mean giving up or backing out, it is just a step of faith and letting the supernatural take over from you the natural...
As a man or woman you have tried all your best and flex the very last fibre of your muscle to achieve , possess, control and attain a particular goal, dream, desire, passion or vision, but it seems that the more you strive the farther these dreams and desires are driven away from you....
This is not because you are jinxed or cursed, it is far from it, if only you can loosen your grip a little bit, keep the faith, and leave the remaining part to the supernatural, leave the rest to fate and destiny.... Have you ever thought of it maybe it is that crazy despiration and selfish desires to see all your dreams and aspiration come true at one goal, maybe that is what has been suffocating the dream and pushing away that heavenly hand , which was meant to breathe life and reality into your long effort and work...
The concept here is very simple but complex if not properly understood.. Knowing when to surrender could be the thin line between an obscure dream and a real dream, when looked at from a superficial eyes, surrendering means giving up, but little do you know, that from the inner world or view it means delaying your gratification, let things happen naturally, life moves at its own pace, but with a little fate you can make life move your way....
Start listening to that inner voice, when it whispers to your soul to surrender just do that.. By surrendering you are acknowledging that there is a greater and better power, a power that starts from where your mortal power ends... So never make the mistake of falling into the pit of a blind and obsessed desire, which could kill or cut short that helping hand waiting for you to surrender all to it... Try it and see what am talking about..,. It sounds like a paradox but it is true, that the more you push the less it moves... Surrender it all and see the result.....
David says so,
Have you ever sat down to think, or as it ever crossed your mind that what actually is the greastest gift of all, is it the money, the honies, the cars, jewery, fame, wealth, or what... Most of us take this issue for granted, even some don't see it as a issue.. So now let me ask you that question "WHAT IS THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL"..
Is this not the greastest gift ever , the ability to breathe and live, the will to laugh, cry and rejoice when ever...
No gift is bigger or more valuable than the gift of life, the dead wishes and appreciates the gift after it has slipped away from them, while the living most times take it for granted or sometimes get carried away and start to think they own it...
If not for the stupendeous mercy and compassion the one who has it have towards mankind, none of us is qualified to have it, let alone control it. What a gift to have, so mysterious but beautiful, the richest and wealthiest can not afford it, the mightiest in the land can not capture it, it is given in free will with no strings attached...
This gift transcends the physical, because it operates from the spiritual, it carries a rare force that no one has got a clue how it works.. Ask a very sick man he will tell you, ask a man who is about to breathe his last breath and he will make you begin to appreciate and not take for granted this immortal gift...
The beauty behind this gift is, it knows no race, culture,religion,belief or history, it is available to all in equal quantity and measure, no one controls it. To me this far the greatest gift that man has and will ever receive..
What is life without it, just like what is a loaf without yeast or what is a car without an engine, wealth becomes useless without it, power becomes null and void without it, love has no purpose without it, man is nothing but a log of wood without it...
We all need to start appreciating life for this uniqness it carries, though this gift is free but it is not everlasting, every mortal being must at one point or the other give back this gift , only the holy is crowned with that rare glory to get back this gift in abundance at the other side... Only the gentle, kind and meek at heart will have another opportunity to enjoy it..
A stone if given just a single dose of this gift turns to a soul, a thorn if given this gift becomes a hand of joy and laughter, the poor is rich and useful with this gift, if not for this gift of life, the whole earth would have been void and meaningless...
Just a thought,
from David,
The mind a house of inspiration and beautiful thoughts, things we see with our eyes are not all that life has to offer us, there are so many things the mind is yet to show you, but you only see it when you engage in a deep soul search, look for those ideas and pictures that tells you how the future..... So start dreaming....
In the depth of solitude, i dwell in the bossom of some un-usual attitude, the spirit of divinity transport me into the well of infinity.....
My mind takes a walk , while my soul drift apart from my body...
The very essence of being has been lost, lost but not forever, my mouth shout but no voice or sound to show for the effort, every thing around me as being covered by a cloud of a mysterious obscurity...
Gradually my soul begins to ascend into another world, a world that lives not under the influence of the carnal, but under the power of a stupendous force of immortality...
Purity is all that surrounds everyone, the mind is now holy enough to behold a sweet reality, the beauty of this reality is that it transcends mortality...
Every where is adorned with some enigmatic power, a power that pours from somewhere no one knows..
The question is why am i lost in my thought?, why have i fallen into such long and profound solitude?, is this the only time my mind, soul and spirit can communicate without interference from the the outside world.....
There are so many questions laying in pain looking for answers, the only reality left with me lives inside my mind, the world outside appears dead and void, nothing exist outside what my mind is seeing...
I have unconsciously taken a journey that has no precise destination, i am lead by my mind and guided by my spirit, now i communicate with the mighty , meek and holy ....
Now no more shame,fear,,anxiety,lust,evil and hatred... Rain of love is all that falls, light of peace and compassion is all that shines, breeze of tranquility is all that blows.. It is so wonderful here for those that can feel it and dwell in it, i wish i could take the rest of the world with me , how i wish lost souls and blind minds could go with me and see the epitome of divinity and spirituality...
These wishes are so strong they keep pinching my heart, this put a heavy burden of pain and regrets in me, i am here alone, enjoying this peace and love, who will i tell, how else do i describe what my mind is showing me, how i wish i was as good as pincasso, may be i would have painted it in a more better way, but what i have i will use, and that is my pen and paper....
David says so,
The power to think effectively is the most potent and hidden power anyone could ever put to use, most of us do not think, when i say think i don't mean wishes or imaginations or fantasy, i am talking about been practical and effective in using our thought.... The more we think the better the future and th clearer the picture, so start thinking now!!!!..
When you think you lead, thinking is the most passive but yet powerful activity anyone can engage in...
The mind that thinks never sinks, so painful but true most of use enjoy carring a null mind, a mind that is as blank as an unused piece of paper....
Like most people say, it is harder to think than not to, one thing that you and i must know is, the creation of the world is a product of hard thinking, if God never engaged his mind, then life would have remained a big ball of nothing...
What does it take to practice this free but mysterious act, the power and ability to think has been giving to everyone equally, the only obvious problem is the will and strength to do it, if only we could put to use 1-2hours of every 24hours given to us to think new things would be birth...
The thin line between that dream and it been a reality is the power to engage in a deep productive thinking..
To ward off faliure the mind must not be left idile, when the mind and brain taste to much idlilness it begins to function less, that is why so many passions , dreams , goals and ambition have been left to wallow in the world of a painful obscurity, due to the lack of continous thinking...
Thinking is far different from mopping or feeling lonely, this act is a conscious and progressive action that determines so many things in life...
A thinking father builds a beautiful future for his family, a thinking mother is an assert to a child, less talking more thinking put in ones hands the keys to prosperity and eternal peace...
I always pray that the world should never run out of thinkers, cause if it does, it is as good as dead.....
A deepful and soulful thought is what births creativity, innovation, development and discoveries...
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My father suffers from medical error and negligence of the hospital police raid in the bedroom of my father to withdraw it the strength in BRAZIL.
Help me in your country to disclose contacts to visit my blog where every fact contained and has a translator on the page, for the hospital to see what the world is seeing what they did with my Father with 77anos bedridden and sick.
Thank you very much
My blog
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